Tag Archives: shows

Heat Wave

Heat WaveHeat Wave, the first book in the Nikki Heat series by Richard Castle, is a pretty good read. It’s a mystery/thriller novel, and it fulfills the conventions and expectations. I would be surprised if this novel is studied outside of a marketing class, but it’s a fun, summer read.

The novel follows the basic outline of a mystery: meet characters, murder presented, suspects introduced, fake out, fake out, wrong turn, sad moment, character figures it out, reader figures out murder(if you haven’t been trying), murderer arrested.

And I love the characters, though I’m not sure if that’s because I hear the actors voices.

Because Heat Wave is a pretty fantastic marketing ploy to get people to spend more money on the shows. You see, Richard Castle is the lead character of ABC’s television show Castle. And it’s a pretty successful one as far as I can tell.

Richard Castle follows around Kate Beckett as inspiration for the title character of this books, Nikki Heat. Fans of the show now have 2 volumes in the series, both supposedly written over the summer breaks in the show.

It’s a great marketing ploy and makes for an entertaining read. And if the characters feel like they’re missing something, check out the show. It’s even better than the book!

w00tstock presents and Geek-A-Week trading cards

Geek-A-Week One of the coolest things I have purchased this year (and it’s only just March!) is the first pack of Len Peralta‘s Geek-A-Week trading cards. The ones pictured are the cards I got at the Comic-Con w00tstock last July.

I adore Len Peralta’s style, because it’s just comic booky enough to make me smile without pushing people who aren’t into comic books out. Plus he’s fantastically fast and consistent. And the Geek-A-Week cards provide yet another artifact for my obsessive collector to hoard.

ThinkGeek is currently the only place you can pick up pack 1. And they’re only planning on selling the ones that have already been printed, so you should go buy one. Or two. No seriously, have you bought yours yet? Then we can geek out over the clean lines of the head in Jonathan Coulton’s hand. Continue reading w00tstock presents and Geek-A-Week trading cards