Tag Archives: goblin market

Goblin Market

If you’ve been around this blog at all in the last year, chances are you’ve read at least something from me about Jennifer Hudock. I love her dark fantasy stories, and she has the added bonus of being a genuinely kind person.

Most of her work is available in electronic forms, so if you like podcasts and ebooks, there are numerous stories for you to check out.

If you prefer reading on dead trees, Jenny is releasing a limited number of print books for her novella The Goblin Market!

She released the first version as a podcast, which is great. Her story pulls on Christina Rossetti’s poem by the same name, but develops a path completely its own. Jenny’s creates emotionally resonant characters who often act in surprising ways.

I already ordered my copy, and my excitement pushed me to write all of this down. So go and buy your print copy. Or the ebook copy for whatever ereader you own. Or check out her podcast. Jenny’s captivating writing will have you searching through her archives to get more.

And Here’s Jennifer Hudock!

I’ve talked about Jennifer Hudock and her work here before. And I told you how she’s hopscotching from blog to blog to promote some of the really cool things she’s working on currently.

Well, I had a chance to talk with her the other day, and it was fun and a little random.

We started talking about her family, and I asked her if she ever self-censored her work knowing that her daughter might read her work (some of her horror is very intense). Her response was very even-minded. “Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t because she is 15 now. And she watches a lot of horror and she reads a lot of horror. She recently just got into Stephen King and Stephen King’s stuff can be pretty brutal and pretty dark.

“And she’s listened to the Zombie Chronicles, and that’s pretty adult in a lot of places. Mostly when she does have questions about things, it’s a nice medium to open up conversation to get her thinking and talking about more adult subject matter.

Finish the interview