Tag Archives: want

Techdirt’s DMCA shirt

I found out about this shirt through boingboing and I totally want one. It’s my kind of nerdy. This is the reason I dislike being unemployed – I have to really think about how to get the money before they stop taking orders next week.

But I’m sure I’ll figure out a way because this is my kind of nerd:


I like that more and more people and companies are employing this kind of strategy. They are selling the product, but they are only making up what they sell. I’m sure it cuts overhead cost, and it makes people decide on the spot whether they want it. It won’t be available later.

And I think that I will be learning to live with regret quite frequently. These are tangible items taking on ephemeral qualities simply by being available for a limited time only. And while it means I will miss out on numerous items/events/moments, I find this evanescence rather fascinating.

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